Starting and building a successful business is a demanding process which takes hard work and dedication, and finance. Losing control of the business would be most director’s worst nightmare but without suitable planning in place this can easily become a reality. Should the worst happen and there not be suitable protection in place, the loss of a key employee, director or shareholder can result in a business losing its profitability, the owners losing control of the business or in the worst case the business dissolving. At Scarlett Financial Services, we can help you to understand the importance of protecting your business interests, providing a comprehensive range of options to make sure that all areas are considered whilst taking into account budget constraints, with no fee charged for any advice provided. Please get in touch today If you are concerned about any of the below:
Repaying your commercial finance in the event of death
Replacing a key person or business profits in the event of death or serious illness
Providing for family in a tax efficient way
Buying out a shareholder in the event of death or serious illness
With access to a large range of insurers and competitive premiums from across the market we can offer the most appropriate products to meet the individual circumstances of your business, with competitive premiums, whilst making sure this happens in the most tax effective way. With our aim to build long term relationships we will review your businesses circumstances on a regular basis to make sure you are not paying more than you have to and that any cover is still relevant. Why not get in touch today and find out how you can protect the future of your business and its main asset – you.
Information in regards to taxation levels and basis of reliefs are dependent on current legislation, individual circumstances are not guaranteed and may be subject to change.